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Completion requirements
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You have come across a situation where metal inert gas (MIG) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) is happening inside the engineering workshop, and the only ventilation is through an open window 2m away, and the roller doors 12m away.

  • Explain to the engineers the uses and limitations of dilution ventilation.
  • Explain to the engineers the range of acute and chronic health effects associated with MIG and TIG welding. (The WorkSafe fact sheet on welding is a useful reference.)
  • Sketch a basic local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system, including typical components and their function and discuss with the engineers whether a fixed or a portable unit would be best for their situation, highlighting benefits and limitations of each.
  • Discuss with the engineers the range of factors that improve and reduce LEV effectiveness, so that they can specify a design that will work best for them.

(1000 - 1500 words approx.)

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